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To Get a Tattoo from Burn Inc Tattoos we require the following:


A design, drawing or any and all ideas you have, reference pics are not always necessary. Also if it will be in colour or black and grey.


Please indicate where on your body you would like the tattoo/s.


Please estimate the size you would like the Tattoo in centimetres or in relation to standard page sizes.


Please indicate if you have a preference in the style of Tattoo, there are several different styles to consider.

Once we have all of the above we can give an estimate quote. From there we will either take a period of time to customize your design, or move straight to booking an appointment.

We do not accept walk ins, All Tattoos are by appointment only. Arriving without a design will more than likely result in you leaving disappointed. Preparation is a key element in the overall process of getting a high quality Tattoo.

Arrange a date and time to try on your new Tattoo, This is completely optional and we do not charge for this. In this process we stick a stencil onto you in the desired area and then send you home, the stencil can last for up to a week. This way you can get the feel of the new Tattoo before committing to it. It allows us and you to be 100% certain about the placement and size etc. It also helps us save time on the day of the tattoo. We like to be prepared.

Please bring drinks and snacks as you will need the energy and we do not sell any drinks or snacks. No alcohol, no drugs, no screaming children..

Moreletta Park, Pretoria

+27 67 331 1520

+27 67 331 1520


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